How to Create a New Person/Company in UPilot?

When adding a new contact in UPilot, you have the option to create them as either a person or a company, depending on your specific needs. However, it is important to note that there are specific mandatory fields to be filled out to ensure that the information entered is accurate and complete.

To add a person:

  1. Click on the “+” sign in the top left corner.  The image illustrates the location of the '+' button, which allows you to add a new contact..
  2. Click on Add New Contact from the options displayed.
  3. Select Add a person.
  4. Enter the contact’s email, first name, or last name (at least one of these fields is required).The image displays the appearance of the page where you can add a new person
  5. Optional – You can also click on “Show all fields” to add other fields such as the job title, company name, etc.
  6. Click on Create Contact to add a new person to UPilot.
  • The new contact is now created.

 If the same email address being added already exists in UPilot for another contact, we will notify you of the duplicate being added.

To add a company:

  1. Click on the “+” sign in the top left corner.
  2. Click on Add New Contact from the options displayed.
  3. Select Add a company.
  4. Enter the company’s website URL or the company’s name (at least one of these fields is required).The image displays the appearance of the page where you can add a new company.
  5. Optional – You can also click on “Show all fields” to add other details about the company.
  6. Click on Create Contact to add the new company to UPilot.
  • The new cmpany is now created.

 If the same company name being added already exists in UPilot for another company, you will be unable to add a new company with an identical name to avoid the issue of duplicates 

Pro Tip: 

You can also quickly add a new contact by using the shortcut “Shift + C” in UPilot. 


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