How Can I Add or Update The Category/Product for an Existing Deal?

Categories and Products are a powerful way to manage your deals as they can help you segment your pipeline, look at revenue from a particular category, etc. You can completely customize categories and products in UPilot by creating the ones that fit your business.

You can add or update the categories and products for your existing deals. To Add/Update category/product(s) for existing deals, you can:

  1. Open the deal which you want to edit.                                                             
  2. Click on the deal name section on the top-middle of the deal page.
  3. Click on the add(+) icon near Category/Product(s), if a category/product is already added or else click on the ‘Add category/product(s)’ option.
  4. Select the category from the list.
    You can also add a new category by clicking on ‘Add new category’ here.
  5. Select the product(s) from the list for the selected category.
    You can also add here a new product by clicking on ‘Add new product’ here.
  6. Click on ‘Assign a Category and Product
  7. Click anywhere outside to save your changes


  • The selected category and product will be added/updated for your selected deal.


Pro Tip: 
You can also remove a category from a deal by clicking on the close(x) icon while hovering over the category name in the deal name section.


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