How Can I Edit or Delete Categories and Products in UPilot?

To manage deals, Categories and Products are important factors as they help segment your deals based on various verticals or products you have. You will be able to able filter your deals as well as set up specific reporting based on the Categories and Products.

Editing a Category

To edit an already existing existing category, you can:editing-categories-in-upilot

  1. Go to Settings > Tags, categories & products > Categories
  2. Click on the Category to be updated
  3. Enter the updated name and click ‘Save
  • Your category has been renamed will be reflected across UPilot upon refreshing.

Editing a Product

To edit an already existing product within a category, you can:editing-products-in-upilot

  1. Go to Settings > Tags, categories & products > Products
  2. Choose the category under which the product(s) is to be edited
  3. Click on the Product to be updated
  4. Enter the updated name and click ‘Save
  • Your product name has been updated and will be reflected across UPilot upon refreshing.

Deleting categories

Looking to delete a category? You can do that in the following manner:

  1. Go to Settings > Tags, categories & products > Categories
  2. Select the categories to be deleted from the list available
  3. Click on ‘Delete this category
When deleting a category or products, it will be automatically removed from any associated deals as well. 
  • The selected categories and products in those categories have now been deleted.

Deleting Products

You can delete a product within a particular category in the following manner:

  1. Go to Settings > Tags, categories & products > Products
  2. Choose the category under which the product(s) is to be deleted
  3. Select the products to be deleted from the list.
  4. Click on ‘Delete this product’.
When deleting a category or products, it will be automatically removed from any associated deals as well. 
  • The selected products have now been deleted.


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