While your pipeline can help manage your sales process on a daily basis, the Expected Closing Date (ECD) in the pipeline helps you create an accurate forecast of how much revenue you can expect from your pipeline in any given month. Thus, it is extremely helpful to keep your ECDs up to date to get the most accurate forecast. The overdue deals are the deals in the pipeline whose ECD has already passed. These deals are easily visually recognizable […]
In UPilot CRM, you can check how much time has been spent in each stage of the pipeline as well as the amount of time taken for the deal from creation to close for each individual deal. This is extremely helpful in analysing stuck deals or to better understand your sales cycle. Checking Time Spent in Each Stage To check the time spent by a deal in each stage: Open the deal you would like to check the data for Look […]
You can completely customize your pipeline in UPilot CRM. By default, UPilot has 5 pipeline stages, but you can add more stages or delete a stage, rename stages and change the stage probability, depending on your processes. Adding a new pipeline stage Go to Settings (Gear icon on the top-right corner) > Manage Fields > Deal Fields Click ‘Deal stages’ In the popup that opens, click ‘Add new stage‘ Enter the name of the new stage Enter the probability of […]
In UPilot CRM, you have the flexibility to create your own views in the pipeline section with the filters that you want. Your custom pipeline view acts as a quick way to save your filters and quickly get to the information you are looking for on a regular basis. You also have the option to select your default custom view if you prefer to see only specific information every time you log in. Creating a Custom View You can create your custom view in the following manner: […]
The visual pipeline offers insights on how each deal is progressing at a quick glance. You can either check the overall pipeline, or you can use filters to check the pipeline for a particular person (or persons), or based on other parameters as well.
UPilot CRM offers a simple way to check for the deals which don’t have any associated follow-up. This can be checked in both the Pipeline or to the deals section by looking out for the small red circles, which appear near the deal name if the deal doesn’t have any associated pending follow-up.
The Expected Closing Date (ECD) is unique for each deal and represents when the deal is expected to be closed. The ECD is also used for calculating your sales forecast, and it also helps you filter your deals better. The ECD for a deal can be changed either from the Pipeline or from the deal view. Changing ECD from the Pipeline Changing ECD from deal view
Sometimes you get a good feeling about a deal or something specific happened that warrants setting a custom probability for the deal. This probability differs usually from the probabilities assigned to the various pipeline stages. Changing the custom probability also takes precedence when the pipeline’s closing probability when the deal’s value is being used to calculate the forecast. To set a custom probability for a deal: Open the deal whose probability is to be set either from the pipeline, the deals […]
You can completely customize your pipeline in UPilot CRM. By default UPilot has 5 pipeline stages, but you can add more stages or delete a stage depending on your own processes. Adding a new pipeline stage Scroll to the bottom of the Pipeline Click ‘Add a new Pipeline stage’ In the popup that opens, enter the name of the new stage Enter the probability of closing associated with the new stage Click ‘Save’. Deleting a pipeline stage Go to the Pipeline Click […]