How Can I Customize My Pipeline?

You can completely customize your pipeline in UPilot CRM. By default, UPilot has 5 pipeline stages, but you can add more stages or delete a stage, rename stages and change the stage probability, depending on your processes. 

Adding a new pipeline stage

  1. Go to Settings (Gear icon on the top-right corner) > Manage Fields > Deal Fields
  2. Click ‘Deal stages
  3. In the popup that opens, click ‘Add new stage
  4. Enter the name of the new stage
  5. Enter the probability of closing associated with the new stage
  6. Click ‘Save’.
  • You can refresh UPilot once for the changes to take effect.

Deleting a pipeline stage

  1. Go to Settings (Gear icon on the top-right corner) > Manage Fields > Deal Fields
  2. Click ‘Deal stages
  3. In the popup that opens, hover over the stage to be deleted
  4. Click on the ‘Trash’ icon that appears on the right side
  5. On the confirmation Popup, click Delete


  • You can refresh UPilot for the changes to take effect and the required stage has now been deleted

All deals in a stage will be moved automatically (during the deletion of the stage) to the stage with the closest probability to the probability assigned to the stage being deleted. 

For example, if you have 4 stages with the probabilities of 10%, 20%, 40%, and 80% respectively, deleting the stage with the probability of 20% would move all deals to the stage with the probability of 10%.

Changing the name and/or probability of a stage

  1. Go to Settings (Gear icon on the top-right corner) > Manage Fields > Deal Fields
  2. Click ‘Deal stages
  3. Click on the Stage Name to be updated
  4. Enter the updated name or probability of closing associated with the new stage
  5. Click ‘Save’.


  • You can refresh UPilot for the changes to take effect and the required stage has now been updated. A change of the probability for a stage normally results in an update of the pipeline value due to the higher/lower probability in the calculation of the pipeline value.



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